Bhagat Puran Singh Eco Club

The main goal of Bhagat Puran Singh Eco Club is to protect the natural resources and the natural ecosystem to establish an eco-friendly environment. The main purpose is to create awareness about biodiversity conservation and local environmental problems among students and to establish clean and green awareness among students through various creative and innovative methods. This club plays a pivotal role in building environmental consciousness among students. The key motive is to cultivate and educate the students about the relevance of the environment.

  • To encourage the students to keep their environment green and clean through tree plantation.
  • To foster the practice of water management by avoiding the wastage of water.
  • To ensure cleanliness in and around the college campus
  • To educate the students to raise awareness among the public and sanitary staff so as to avoid the indiscriminate dumping and burning of waste that cause respiratory diseases.
  • To help the students in spreading the message of conservation of environment.
Committee Members
  1. Prof. Manpreet Kaur
  2. Prof.Jatinder Kaur
  3. Amanpreet Kaur
  4. Prof.Asha Rani
  5. Prof.Gurdas Singh
  6. Dr.BhupinderJit Kaur
  7. Prof.HarsimranSingh