E-Governance Policy

E-Governance policies’ primary goal is to provide efficient and real-time monitoring of educational quality. The goals of e-Government are to boost productivity, foster more accountability and transparency in the administration of educational institutions, reduce the cost of administrative services (e-administration), and provide easier, quicker access to services and the general public (e-services). Additionally, as e-governance aims to use less paper, it supports our efforts to be environmentally friendly.

Our Policy

  • All parties involved in the institution will be subject to the policy. It is envisaged that college administration, teaching and non-teaching personnel, students, parents, and other stakeholders would employ e-governance technologies to make the workflow more precise and efficient with computerised processes.
  • The college administration will provide stakeholders with centralised information access.
  • The college will offer online services for quick, easy, and efficient admissions, feedback, and timely notification to stakeholders via SMS, emails, and messages.
  • Online absence and online shortage declaration forms must be filled out by teachers.
  • The professors are responsible for improving the standard course material utilising multimedia resources like films, 3D animated lectures, etc.