

“A library is not just a building full of books. It is a Garden to cultivate Individuals”.

As per the prescribed norms library committee has been constituted as under. Books are selected by teachers on the recommendation of student and teachers and purchased by the following committee members.

Library Committee:
1. Principal (President) (Dr. Arvinder Singh)
2. Librarian (Secretary) (Prof. Amanpreet Kaur)
3. H.O.D Arts (Prof. Rajinder Kaur Malhotra)
4. H.O.D Science (Prof. Jaspreet Kaur)

Amanpreet Kaur


Library at a Glance
  • In Ludhiana, this library was started with just 2178 books brought from Gujranwala (Pakistan). Now we can boast of more than 58,000 books in our library.
  • There are 546 reference books in various fields
  • 96 Encyclopedias are in stock. For e.g.(Encyclopedia Americana, Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia of Sikhism.Library also posses a encyclopedia of 60 Vols. Great Books set.
  • 450 Dictionaries (A 12 volume set of Oxford English Dictionary.)
  • Sikh Study Section
    This section comprises books related to Sikh religion so, students can get familiar with Sikh religion. This section is so enriched and well provider that research scholars from out station visit this library to consult the books. This section has been established with the guidance of Prof. P.S. Kapur (Honorable President Managing Committee, a famous Sikh Scholar & Historian).

  • The Library has been subscribing 20 newspapers including all major dailies. More than 12 journals and 33 magazines are subscribed to cater needs of students

  • E-resources :Library is attached to N-list a project of U.G.C under HRD. which provides access to more than 6000 journals and 97000 no. of e-books. Library has also joined DELNET for inter library loan services.