Green Policy of the Institution
Our Aim
Our green policy is aimed at reinforcing our commitment to be an environmentally sustainable institution. We actively support programs that reduce our environmental impact and continually improve our environmental performance as an integral part of our operating procedures. We seek to provide a safe and healthy ambience for our staff and students and minimize our potential carbon footprints.
Our Policy
The Green Policy of our institution embodies our credo of being in harmony with nature. We seek to
- promote the growth of indigenous plants in and outside the college campus
- maintain an inhouse seed bank and nursery for propagation of plants
- minimize our paper usage and then reuse or recycle paper as much of it as is possible
- conduct office work through electronic mode e. e-notices, e-attendance, e-marks uploading e-fees management so that we move towards a totally paperless office
- send all waste paper waste paper to the paper recycling unit of the institution
- use recycled paper for preparing files, folders, envelopes and use recyclable paper as wrapping paper
- dispense Aloe-Vera organic napkins from sanitary napkin vending machines
- use incinerators for eco-friendly disposal of sanitary napkins
- minimize energy and water use within our buildings and processes in order to conserve supplies and minimize the consumption of natural resources
- totally discard the use of one time plastic water bottles
- purchase products and services that do the least damage to the environment
- dispose biomedical waste and e-waste of the institution as per the statuary norms of of India
- segregate waste at the source point only using colour coded bins placed in abundance at all the strategic points
- promote environmental awareness among our stakeholders and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner
- discard the use of bouquets and gift plants instead on all occasions
- celebrate all festivals in an eco-friendly manner
- put off practices wherever required by legislation or where significant health, safety or environmental hazards exist
- conduct internal and external annual green audit of the institution
- take administrative action in case of non-compliance to the policy