Policy Document on Energy and Environment

Our Aim

We aim to develop our college as a model of (and keeper of knowledge about) sustainable practices—including practices related to energy usage and environmental sustainability. To achieve our goal, essential system-wide advancement was made regarding climate action planning, renewable energy development, and energy efficiency projects.

Our Policy

  • Renewable energy to be used to the best possible extent through on-site solar photovoltaic systems and biogas plant in the college
  • Energy efficient LEDs shall be used instead of incandescent or fluorescent
  • Spearhead waste management by reducing, re-using, recycling, recovering and safe
  • The waste generated by the college is to be segregated into biodegradable and non- biodegradable waste at source point only. All stakeholders will strictly comply with the segregation policy to reduce
  • All the biodegradable waste will end up in the vericomposting unit or soild waste management unit of the
  • All lights, fans and other energy consuming devices to be switched off when not in
  • Signages will be displayed at all strategic areas for closing taps and switching off lights, fans and other electrical devices when not in use.
  • Least amount of printing paper is to be used. Most of the office work will be carried out in paperless mode using electronic
  • Single use plastic is to be totally banned in the college
  • Polythene bags/Plastic wrappers/bottles not to be used in the
  • Knowledge and skills will be built amongst stakeholders to address local, national, and global energy and environmental issues.
  • Renewable energy to be harnessed in the best possible
  • Opportunities to be sought to develop environmental awareness in students, through academic programmes and campus awareness initiatives.
  • Staff and students to be encouraged to adopt best practices in environmental sustainability and energy usage outside the campus also.
  • Internal and External Green, Energy and Environment Audit to be conducted
  • The College will continually review, improve and develop this Policy and is committed to its This includes full compliance with local and national legislation and guidance and achieving integration of the Policy into decision making at all levels and in all departments.